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[토익] 고급편 요약노트 4.




시험 d-2. 하루에 1시간 4일 공부하고 보는 시험 결과는 과연 어떨까. 800은 넘겠지 뭐....

확실히 듣기할 때 집중력이 떨어지는 게 느껴진다ㅠㅠ


제목과 다르게 고급편 요약노트도 아니고 그냥 오답노트가 되어버린 토익 게시물


LC  섀도잉

Part 3. 32-24

Hi It's martyna from accounting. 

I'd like to reseverve the main conference room for a meeting I'll leading on friday with collegues from our new york office.

Sure. that shouldn't be a problem. What time is the meeting?

It's from 9 to 11 am.

ok I will block off at that time slot for you. Do you need any special equipment besides a laptop and projector?

no. But I will need a key. So I can go in a little early and set up. Can I pick that up on friday morning?




I have a question about a customer's prescription. His.. Oh I am sorry. I see you are busy.

I don't have much to do.

His doctor prescribed a 30-day supply of this allergy medication, but I noticed we only have enough on the shelf for 15 days.

Our weekly delivery arrives early tomorrow morning.

Go ahead him and give him the 15, and ask him to please come back for the rest.

It's allergy season. So we're selling a lot of thatmedicine.

Then maybe we should increase the number of the bottles in our next order  from the distributor.